If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, either Type I or Type II, you are at risk of losing your sight. In fact, nearly half of all Australians are living with diabetes and are not having regular eye tests.

How does eye damage occur?

When your eye becomes inflamed from diabetes, the blood vessels inside the eye can leak. These haemorrages can lead to the death of the retinal tissues that line the inside of the eye. If the haemorraging or death of tissue occurs in critical parts of the retina, this may result in irreversible blindness.

How is the eye damage treated?

Depending on the severity, treatment can include changes to medications and tighter control of HbA1c levels. In more severe cases, referral to an ophthalmologist may be required for laser treatments or injections into the eyeball.

How can I prevent eye damage from happening to me?

Keeping control of your HbA1c (sugar levels) is a critical component of eye health.
Regular eye tests are vital for early detection of changes in the retina. Your optometrist will perform a detailed analysis of your retina using a bright light and take digital images of the back of the eye.